Saturday, February 5, 2011

Dear family and friends, January 24, 2011

A week has gone by since the end of the referendum here in southern Sudan, and God has heard the prayers of His people and spared us an outbreak of war. The north tried to initiate conflict a number of times but the south exercised extreme self-control and did not engage, even though 40-50 lives were lost in the process. The outcome of the vote is known to everyone – the south wants independence – but the official results will not be announced for another week or so. The CPA required 60% of the registered voters to vote, and most states reported percentages in the upper 90’s. Some early predictions are that 99% of the voters will have called for secession and the right to become a new nation. These numbers are certainly a testimony to the decades of suffering endured by the people of southern Sudan and their desire to be free from their persecutors.

Thank you for praying for my safety. I never felt a moment of danger, and the radio ministry has continued on through it all. I even survived somehow as the only kawaja, but I definitely look forward to my teammates returning soon.

I’ve often described the difficulty of the hot climate in Sudan, but this year December and January have been absolutely beautiful. The days have been mid-80’s with a strong breeze and nights down in the low 60’s. And no rain since September. Want to visit? You just missed the best time : )

Here’s something new: thousands of people returning to southern Sudan from the north as they fear persecution when the south secedes. They are settling all over, some temporarily, some permanently, and a few hundred very near the radio compound. This has stirred up emotions about property lines as well as the sinful nature of some to take advantage of the situation. By God’s providence, we find ourselves right in the middle of it, both literally and figuratively.

Also new is the beginning of a newscast. We have partnered with a Sudanese news organization to receive their written stories by internet on a daily basis, and then John Garang translates 2 or 3 of their stories into Dinka, enabling us to air a 5-7 minute newscast each weeknight.

Our radio manager trainee is starting in 2 weeks. We’ve been praying about this for a long time. The transition of moving his home will be difficult and take months. The Dinka do not easily move away from their land or family property.

So much to be thankful for as 2011 gets under way: nice weather recently, safety, peaceful referendum, newscast, RD trainee, faithful partners in prayer like you…just to name a few.

Weer Bei FM prayer requests:

1. Humility, integrity, and clear thinking for country leaders in upcoming move towards independence.

2. Radio Director trainee – learning curve and family transition.

3. Wisdom and grace to settle ongoing property battles…that God would fight for us.

4. To meet our last foundational goal as a start-up radio ministry – find someone who knows sound doctrine and has a passion for teaching it on the radio.

Here are the verses that come to mind when I think about how far God has brought us in these first two years of operation: 1 Corinthians 1:26, 31 “For consider your calling, brothers: not many of you were wise….Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord.”

Soli graci,
